August 26, 2024

Executive Director Transition News

A Message from Read Ahead Board Chair Sean Fitzgerald

August 26, 2024

Dear Read Ahead Community:

I am writing to share some bittersweet news. After more than 10 years with Read Ahead, and nine years as the organization’s Executive Director, Kristen Baldwin will be leaving her position as of October 2 to pursue a new opportunity.

The Board of Directors and I express our heartfelt gratitude and appreciation to Kristen for her incredible tenure and years of service in support of Read Ahead’s mission. We are grateful to have had Kristen’s steady leadership for over a decade and all of her efforts to initially stabilize the organization and then grow Read Ahead’s impact. 

I could not be more proud of everything the organization has accomplished under Kristen’s leadership including:

  • Defining Read Ahead’s mission, vision, and values to focus on mentoring, reading, and social-emotional outcomes for NYC public school students
  • Mentoring 5,000 students over the past 10 years 
  • Growing the organization’s budget from under $1 million to $2.3 million today
  • Navigating the COVID crisis and creating an enhanced program model that is poised for scale
  • Co-creating Read Ahead’s commitments to anti-racism and equity and embedding these practices throughout the organization

Today, Read Ahead is operating from a position of strength, with solid financial footing and a program that is flourishing in our NYC public school partners. Our growth and impact would not have been possible without an exceptional Board of Directors and staff, past and present. After 12 years as a Read Ahead Board Member and mentor, I took over as Chair in January 2024 and I will continue to lead the organization during this time of transition. Julie Allen and Julie North, former Board Chairs, remain active and engaged Board Members and our Board of Directors is motivated and ready to lead Read Ahead through this next phase.

I am confident in the board and staff’s leadership in navigating this transition. While Read Ahead searches for its next Executive Director, we will bring on an Interim Executive Director to lead day-to-day management. Kristen will work with the interim leader before her departure, to ensure a smooth transition. At the staff level, Ariel Grace will continue to lead development and communications and Evelyn Canela-Garcia will continue to lead our program. Both have been instrumental to Read Ahead’s growth and evolution.

I look forward to the 2024-25 school year and what we will accomplish in our support of our students. Thank you for your support and we’ll continue to keep you updated as we progress during this transition.

With gratitude,

Sean Fitzgerald 

Chair, Read Ahead Board of Directors